Cobas Autónomos PPES

Fund Investment philosophy
At least 80% of the assets will be invested in variable income of any capitalization and sector of issuers/markets of the OECD, being able to invest up to 40% of the same in issuers/markets of emerging countries.
The rest of the total assets will be invested in fixed income, mainly public but also private.
The average duration of the fixed income portfolio will be less than 18 months.
Within the permitted legal limits, the Cobas Empleo FP pension fund may invest in IIC managed by entities of the group to which the collective investment institution management company that manages it belongs.
The currency risk will be 0-100% of the total assets.
It will be possible to operate with derivative financial instruments, traded and not traded in organized derivatives markets for the purpose of hedging, under the terms established by current legislation.
Management objective
Constitute a capital destined to cover the contingencies of retirement, disability in its different degrees, severe dependency or great dependency and death of the participant or beneficiary and the exceptional cases of liquidity.
Cobas Autónomos PPES
134.794368 €
Net Asset Value
Daily Return
Annualized Return
Liquidative Date: 17-2-2025
Past performance does not imply future performance. Investing in equities may entail losses of the invested capital, and it is inadvisable for time horizons of less than 5 years. The vehicle does not have any reference index in its management.
Historic Performance
Past performance does not imply future performance. Investing in equities may entail losses of the invested capital, and it is inadvisable for time horizons of less than 5 years. The vehicle does not have any reference index in its management.
Cobas Autónomos PPES
Since Inception2.62%
1 month10.51%
6 months27.04%
1 yearLiquidative Date: 17-2-2025
Plan | |
2019 | - |
2020 | - |
2021 | - |
2022 | - |
2023 | 4.9% |
2024 | 22.9% |
Past performance does not imply future performance. Investing in equities may entail losses of the invested capital, and it is inadvisable for time horizons of less than 5 years. The vehicle does not have any reference index in its management.
Fundamental Data
Bloomberg code
Management company
Cobas Pensiones, SGFP, S.A
Registered office
Paseo de la Castellana 53. Segunda planta. 28046 Madrid. España.
BNP Paribas SA
Deloitte Auditores SL
DGS plan code
DGS fund code
Registration date fund
Registration date plan
Denomination fund name
Cobas Empleo 100 FP
Denomination plan name
Cobas Empleo 100 PP
Fund Profile
Fund type
Legal form
Fondo de pensiones
Investment style
Morningstar category
Asset manager(s)
Francisco García Paramés
Investment Profile
Minimum initial investment
Minimum additional investment
Management fee
Custody fee
Net asset value
Assets under management